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Sculpting Marble in Pietrasanta

Nestled between the Apuan Alps and the Tyrrhenian Sea, Pietrasanta's stunning beauty provides a constant source of inspiration. The natural surroundings, combined with the town's artistic atmosphere, create an ideal setting for aspiring and professional sculptors. Pietrasanta has a long…

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Glassmaking in Murano

Venetian Glass, a brief history Glassmaking in Venice dates back over 1000 years. The first written evidence of a glassmaster  is of the bottle maker Dominicus Phiolarius, dating back to the year 982. Prior to Venice becoming a city-state (around…

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Venetian Lace Retreat

Welcome to the magical world of point de Venise. Steeped in the history of one of the most important centres of trade and culture. Travel back in time and meet the artisan lace-makers who are the custodians of this historic…

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