This ancient borgo was once home to a Jewish community, one that left fascinating traces of its artisan and culinary traditions that it strives to preserve and introduce to travelers today.
A walk through the past, such as Borgo Pantano offers, a glimpse of a promising future – one that protects and preserves the traditional and creative artisan handicrafts of Italy.
Experiential Workshops:
Workshops in the Ancient apothecary:
In the time of the medieval, Jewish community, the Borgo’s apothecary’s shop served as the village pharmacy. The herbs were cultivated and processed according to the ancient practices of esoterism, combined with elements of chemistry, astrology, art and medicine. In this extraordinary place, participants will learn the ancient techniques to make oils, cosmetics, herbal infusions, and natural products. Everything will be done with respect and sustainability in mind.
Gastronomic workshops:
Participants will learn how to prepare traditional Jewish kosher cuisine as well as artisan bread, using yeast and a wood-fire oven. All cooking methods incorporate religion, nutrition, the use of raw materials, and traditional processing techniques – ultimately enhancing the aesthetic preparation of the dish.
Archeo AgriCultura workshops:
Participants will be introduced to the archaic cultivation model that preserves biodiversity and uses minimally invasive methods and equipment, transforming ancient philosophy into daily practice.
All travelers are welcome and sustainability is center stage. See the local productions of handmade soaps and ecological detergents. See how fruits and vegetable waste from the kitchen is reused or how solar dryers can guarantee long shelfs-life products.
Learn about the complex and long lost techniques of textile art and sewing. For younger or tech-savvy guests, “multisensory” experiences are on offer to entertain through the theater, games, guided nature and the story of Borgo Pantano story Book.